Linda Jean Meyer
Meyer, Linda Jean
29 Apr 1948 - 5 Jun 2019

Linda Jean Meyer, age 71 of Greenwood, Nebraska, gained her beautiful
angel wings on Wednesday, June 5th, 2019 at Bryan East hospital
surrounded by her loving family. Linda was born on April 29th, 1948 in
Lincoln, Nebraska to Vernon and Gertrude (Brakhage) Stewart. She was
baptized and confirmed in the presence of God. She married the love of
her life, Larry Lee Meyer, in Lincoln, Nebraska on January 21st, 1970.
Together they had two sons, Brian Keith Meyer, Michael Shane Meyer and
two stepsons Darin Lee Meyer and Robbie Lynn Meyer.
Linda loved many things, but her love for her family was the deepest of
them all. Although she would never admit it, her fondest love was for
her husband, Larry. Linda and Larry loved traveling and seeing the
country together. They went many places, but Miami, Florida; Dallas,
Texas; Seattle, Washington; and Las Vegas, Nevada were their favorites.
She also loved weekends spent at the campground with family and
traveling to watch her granddaughters to play softball. Linda also had a
deep love for her two sons, Brian and Mike. Weekends spent at the race
track with them was her absolute favorite. Watching her sons work
together while Mike raced and Brian made all of the fine tunes on the
car was something Linda loved watching. Of course she always had
something witty to say when things didn’t go right, but she always had
the best of time! Although she loved her two sons, she loved them even
more because they blessed her with three grandchildren, Ashley Jean,
Kristen Lee, and Paige Nichole. Linda loved attending their school
activities, she would never miss a softball game or volley tournament.
You always knew when Grandma Meyer was at the game due to she was either
screaming at the umpires or giving a spectator a hard time. Linda was
also blessed with a great granddaughter, Amberlynn Fay. She loved a good
snuggle session with her. Family was by far the most important thing to
her, and she would definitely let you know by the hundreds of calls and
text messages she sent on a daily basis (even though she really never
quite figured out how to use her iPhone, it was a miracle the screen
wasn’t cracked from her poking it so hard). Holidays were also a very
special time for her. She got to spend them with all of her brothers,
sisters, nieces, nephews, and cousins. She loved their time together,
but she loved them even more because she got to give everyone a hard
time. Family really did consume every ounce of her heart.
Linda enjoyed the simple things in life; sipping on a good cup of
coffee, getting a pedicure, and watching copious hours of Country
Western shows. You wanted to talk to Linda in the morning? You better
wait until she had about five cups of coffee pumping through her veins.
She would never turn down coffee with anyone, her pot was always on. She
loved starting her mornings with a couple cups of coffee with her
sister-in-law Jean Stewart and friendly neighbor Dallas Hayes. But the
coffee did not stop there, she would attend daily coffee gatherings with
some of her best friends. Although her love for black coffee with one
packet of Sweet-N-Low ran deep, her love for a large Carmelious with an
extra shot of espresso and no whip cream from Scooters Coffee ran even
deeper. Linda also loved an afternoon spent at the nail salon. You give
her a deluxe pedicure with purple toe nails, and she would be one happy
camper! If you didn’t find Linda drinking coffee at her table or at the
nail salon, you could find her in front of the television watching old
Country Western shows. It did not matter if she saw the episode one
time, or twenty times, she was watching it.
Linda is survived by her husband of 49 years Larry Meyer, their two
sons; Brian and Mike (Melissa), two stepsons Robbie and Darin, along
with three grandchildren; Ashley, Kristen, and Paige, great grandchild;
Amberlynn, and three granddogs Baby, Tanner, and Daytona. Linda is also
survived by her siblings Janice (Guy) Horn, Jerry (Penny) Stewart,
Kenneth (Jean) Stewart, and James Stewart and bother-in-law Bob Wischman.
Her nieces Pat (Bob) Timblin, Paula (Bob) Akers, Dusty (Kevin) Larkins,
Stacey (Brad) Glathar, Sherry (Fred) Starr, and Jodi (Kelly) Lathrop,
and her nephews Tommy Smith, Mark Stewart, Eric (Dotty) Stewart, Joel
Stewart, Ronnie Stewart, and Scott Stewart. Along with many cousins.
She was preceded in death by her parents Vernon and Gertrude Stewart,
brothers: Ivan (Betty) Stewart, George Stewart, and John (Joyce)
Stewart, and her sisters Dorothy Comstock, Barbara Ann Wischman, Ruth
(Bob) York, and Judy Thoms. Her legacy will live on in the hearts and
minds of everyone Linda interacted with as well as those she reached out
with and never met.
Share your love and remembrance for Linda Meyer on Monday, June 10th,
2019 at 11:00 AM at the American Lutheran Church in Ashland, Nebraska
with Steven Lindley officiating. After services, there will be a
luncheon at the church. Interment will then follow at the Greenwood
Memorial Cemetery.
Visitation: services for Linda Meyer will be held on Sunday, June 9th,
2019 from 1:00PM to 4:00PM at Ropers & Sons, 10851 N. 148th Street in
Waverly, Nebraska.
Linda retired from the Omaha Works on 19 Mar 2000 with 30
years of service.
Ropers & Sons,
10851 N. 148th Street
Waverly, Nebraska.