Former Co-Workers, Gone Before But Not Forgotten
Co-workers that have passed away. Older listings are in alphabetical order by year.
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Joyce Jean Burrell
Burrell, Joyce Jean
30 Oct 1938 - 13 Aug 2011

Born in Battle Creek, Iowa to Harold L. Scott and Phyllis M. (Hansen) Scott.
Married Dave Burrell on July 12, 1958 at Methodist Church in Holstein, Iowa.
Preceded in death by, husband, Dave Burrell, parents, Phyllis M. (Hansen)
and Harold L. Scott, sisters, Betty Tyler and Reta Hillman and brother, Mark
Survived by sister, Shirley Mecseji of Omaha, NE, sons, Doug Burrell of Blue
Hill. NE and Jeff Burrell of Omaha, NE, daughter, Phyllis M. Sanderholm of
Omaha, NE, two daughters-in law, four Granddaughters, five Grandsons, three
Great Granddaughters and two great Grandsons.
Services will be held Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 10AM at Trinity United
Methodist Church located at 8200 Q St in Ralston, NE.